gtag('config', 'AW-936519127'); gtag('config', 'AW-936519127'); gtag('config', 'AW-936519127');

Reversible Crossover Jersey

  • Double Ply reversible basketball jersey with modified V-neck
  • Body color modified v-neck inset collar with contrast color front of v-neck
  • Contrast color 100% Colorfast Polyester Diamond Knit side insert starting at armhole and ending at open bottom hem. Reverse side body color insert.
  • Contrast color Diamond Knit overlay at shoulder opening
  • Cover seemed throughout for durability and appearance.
Production Time: 1 Working Days
As low as $32.80 each
Body color front and back 100% Colorfast Polyester Microfiber with body color side overlay that starts at armhole and ends at the mid-point of side.;Reverse side is contrast color 100% Colorfast Polyester Diamond knit front and back body.

Normal Production Time
1 Working Days



Carl Washington
Raouche Trading Company
Culver City, CA 90230